創作小書優等作品,斗六分校葉凌均 Joyce

Be careful what you wish for - 葉凌均 Joyce L.J.Yeh

There once lived two sisters, Amy and Anne, who were very different. Amy was beautiful with hair like the sun, and had hair like the night.

One day, when they were walking home from school, they found a book with magical spells in it.

Anne put the book in her bag and brought it home. She wanted to use the spells from the book, but Amy thought it was a bad idea.

Later that night while Amy was sleeping, Anne took the book and opened it.

She found a spell to make her beautiful, so she read the words out loud.
(Anne : Magic!Magic! I want to be beautiful!)

The next morning, she wake up and became aware that something was wrong with Amy ; Amy was really weak and sick.

Anne tried to give her medicine, but nothing was working.
(Anne : Magic!Magic! I want a medicine!)

The spell Anne used was taking Amy’s beauty and making her sick. Anne said,”I’m sorry,Amy. I love you.” She started to cry.
(Anne : I’m sorry,Amy. I love you.)

All of a sudden, Anne’s tears started to glow. As her tears fell on Amy’s face, her sister started to become healthy again.

Her love for her sister broke the spell. Now, both the girls were happy and healthy.

They knew they needed to throw the book away, so they rode their bikes to the beach.

Then, they got into a boat and towed through the ocean.

Together, they threw the book deep into the water.

Since that day, the girls lived wonderful life and never thought about the book again.


