創作小書優等作品,東勢分校陳文彥 Wilton
Adventure in Eygpt - 陳文彥 Wilton W.Y.Chen
Once upon a time in Egypt, there was a group of plotters going treasure hunting, but first of all, they had to have some lessons about the pyramids.
Before starting, Alan’s wife told him not to go because it was too dangerous. So Alan asked his wife to go with him, she said “No!” Alan’s wife told him to call her twice a day Alan agreed and started his adventure.
Their teacher, Doctor Tom told them “ There was treasure in the pyramid, but there was a gatekeeper protecting it. Let’s go find the treasure.” The leader of the explorer called Alan said, “Let’s go tomorrow.”
When they got to the pyramid, they opened the door. When they got in, the door closed quickly. All of them got scared. When Alan turned on the flashlight, he found that someone disappeared.
Alan told his teammates to calm down. This place had lots of traps and lots of snakes. So they decided to work together.
When they walked to another room, they saw a coffin. Suddenly, a mummy jumped out of the coffin and shouted “Don’t take my treasure!” They all got scared and ran different directions. But the mummy just chased Alan.
Alan was tired, so he stopped and put his hand against the wall. Suddenly, Alan fell behind the wall. He saw a golden mask.
Alan took the golden mask happily. When he wanted to find the way out, the mummy came. It caught Alan’s teammates. He said, “If you want to save them, you have to give my treasure back to me. If you don’t, I will put them in the lava!”
Alan hesitated, he wanted the treasure, but he didn’t want to lose his teammates too. He had a plan. He said “Ok, I will give you your treasure, but release my teammates first.” The mummy released Alan’s teammates.
When Alan saved them. Alan took out his shotgun and killed the mummy. The mummy said “I hate you. I will cure you. Alan took the treasure back. Suddenly, the pyramid started to collapse! “Run” Alan said. They all came out safely.
Suddenly, a helicopter appeared. When they got on, Alan asked, “Who saved us?” The pilot turned around and it was Alan’s wife.
She said “Where are we going?”
Alan said “let’s put the mask in the museum.”
After that, the Cairo Museum got one more beautiful treasure. Alan continued his adventure.
The end
